Context: John the Baptist was just beheaded and after Jesus heard it, he departed by ship to the desert place. Those around him, after hearing, followed him on foot because of all he had done for them. Why did they follow Jesus?
- They were spiritually hungry & seeking to be healed. The people recognized Him as a powerful healer and teacher. They sought Jesus because of what He could do for them but sometimes you have to seek Jesus just for who He is, not what He can give you.
Do you seek Jesus for a personal relationship more than the things He can give you?
- They needed Him for spiritual care. God is our provider of all things. Philippians 4:19 tells us that God will supply ALL our needs. In Matthew 14, He miraculously fed over 5,000 with five fish and two loaves - IN A DESERT. (Verse 15) A desert is a place with nothing - it's desolate.
Have you experienced God as provider in the desert place? Tell us of a time that you gave thanks to God in the desert place?
- They followed Him, leaving their cities. Are you trying to hold on to something that you need to let go? This isn't our home. This isn't the final place for us. You have to leave somewhere to get to a better place. In order to get the best results, you have to leave your plans to get to the place God has for you. Quit hanging on to old things.
Is God calling you to go or calling you to stay?
We have to listen to God carefully. They were in a desert and in verse 16 Jesus says "they don't need to leave." Sometimes God wants us to stay in the desert place so that He can do the miracle and get the glory.
- They gave what they had. Sometimes we think what we have isn't enough (verse 17), but Jesus says to bring what we have to him (verse 18). Just bring yourself as you are to Jesus and place it in His hands. A relationship with Jesus is worth it!
In the desert place, when you had nothing, how do you still praise God? What do you have to give Him?
- He told them to sit down and rest - be still (verse 19). Then He multiplied what they gave Him so that there was even overflow. ALL they needed to do was give Jesus what they had and watch God multiply it so much that they didn't have room to receive.
In what ways is God asking you to sit down and trust Him?
Even if God doesn't provide, He is our rich supply - With Him we have more than enough.