1. When you love someone, you desire to grow that relationship. One way you grow that relationship is to spend time with them. Do you long to be with the Lord? Then spend time in His Word.

2. (Micah 6:8) When you love someone, there is action that follows. However, just because you show action, doesn't mean that there is love present. Not everyone who says they are Christian actually loves God. 

3. (Luke 4:16-17) When you love, you listen. When you really love the Lord, you already know what the Lord is saying to you because the Spirit of the Lord is upon you. The Lord is telling you to share the Good News that you received with those who don't yet know.

4. (Luke 12:11-12) When you love, you share. We always at least have the gospel (good news). You can always rely on the Holy Spirit to tell you how to share and what to say. 

Do you know the Good News that is in the Word of God?

    • "I am the head and not the tail."
    • "I can walk in victory if I believe and trust in the Word."
    • "I can have what I need if I prioritize my relationship with God."

5. (Psalm 51:1-8) When you love someone, you know how to go to them when you mess up.  God loves us through our brokenness and sin. He doesn't want us to sin, but when we do, He still loves us. Having a relationship with God doesn't mean I won't mess up, but it also doesn't mean I intend to mess up. Do you know that you don't have to run away from the one who is helping you go down the right path?

  1. Who do you have in your life to help you continue walking rightly with God? (Read about Nathan)

6. (Psalm 91:10-11) When you love someone, you protect them. God loves you! If you have a relationship with God, you know He will keep you. 

And as you love someone, you invest in your growth in that relationship because you value it. 

7. (Matthew 7:15) When you love someone, growth comes from WITHIN. (John 14:16) The Holy Spirit, within us, leads us to growth. (Romans 8:14) He is the one to teach us daily as we read the Word.